Camping with four-legged friends: we must and can

Your four-legged friend has every right and the pleasure of coming on holiday with you but you must know that before making this choice there are some considerations to be made to assess whether it is the case or not.

First of all, think about the length of the holiday.

Dogs usually follow the owner and do not suffer from changing places, on the contrary, they happily result excited. As for cats, it depends on the character of your feline. Not all cats love the four wheels, nor the travel carrier. Let alone the imposition of a new place to live, even if for a few days. Needless to flaunt campaigns against abandonment, because I think it is a widely assimilated concept of civilization, although a refresh on the case never hurts. There are in fact many structures that house pets for the duration of your holiday. Or you can entrust your house keys to a relative or trusted friend who regularly feeds your pet.

If instead you think that the possibility of bringing your pet with you is plausible, then follow these small steps for a peaceful and painless camp.

1) Vaccinations: make sure that your pet is up to date with vaccinations and brings with you the health card or European passport for travel outside Europe. Prophylaxis certainly requires anti-rabies and a certificate of good health. Your vet will be able to support you throughout the entire procedure.

2) Suitcase: scoop, bags, bowl and food are discounted. In order not to suffer the sudden change of habit, it is advisable to also bring other familiar objects, such as the cover or the games that he keeps at home. The cat should also bring the litter box.

3) Informed: every camp site or holiday resort has an internal regulation which provides or not the possibility of bringing your pet with you. Although this is an increasingly expanding trend, it is always good to inquire before traveling.

4) Water: never forget to quench your pet's thirst, especially during the journey. Make many stops and keep it cool. Sometimes, taken by the joys of the holiday, you risk running into heatstroke. If you are an animal lover and have other tips for all of us campers, don't hesitate to tell us about them!


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